James White Library
Ellen G. White Estate
Andrews University
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Description of Holdings


As a Branch Office of the White Estate, the Center contains extensive resources for Ellen G. White studies. These include the following.

Ellen G. White EstateEGW Estate,
Inc. web site

Main Office

White Estate Databases

White Estate sites
Ellen G. White Unpublished Letters and Manuscripts
Researchers have access to all of the unpublished letters and manuscripts of Ellen G. White similar to what is in the file in the main office at Silver Spring, Maryland. The collections consists of extensive original copies (many with Ellen White's handwritten interlineations and signature) as well as photocopies of over 50,000 typewritten pages covering the period from 1845 to 1915. A card index, organized by subject, directs researchers to pertinent material. A database provides relevant details, such as a complete numerical listing of all known letters and manuscripts, names of those addressed, file numbers, dates, places of writings, and where the documents, or portions of them, have appeared in print. Work is in process to make the letters and manuscripts available in electronic form.

Ellen G. White Office Correspondence
The Center has on microfilm a complete set of the letters received by Ellen White over a span of many years. It is arranged by date. An electronic index is available.

White Estate Document File
This collection consists of more than eighty-five drawers filled with thousands of topically arranged folders on Ellen G. White and Adventist history. Researchers will find articles, correspondence, manuscripts, ephemera, term papers, and various other documents. These materials can be located through an extensively cross-referenced index.

White Family Correspondence
Microfilm is available containing correspondence of James White, Ellen's husband, and J. Edson White, her oldest son. Of special significance is the voluminous correspondence of William C. White, her son, who handled many of her personal and office matters. He was the executer of his mother's estate and the first director of the White Estate following his mother's death in 1915 until 1937.

Ellen G. White Related Research Aids
Various other research aids include indexes, files, and electronic text relating to Ellen White. Examples include the Ellen G. White Biographical Index has over 2,000 references to events in Ellen White's life from published and unpublished sources; the Question and Answer File with answers to many questions asked over the years; and the Complete Published Ellen G. White Writings in electronic form.
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